
 Giving at St Margaret's

One of the many ways that followers of Jesus are encouraged to practice their faith is through financial giving. Like all Church of England churches the work of the church (including putting on the heating!) is paid for by donations. 

Giving financially should be a joyful expression of worship to God, not reluctantly or under compulsion. 

Whether your gift is a one of donation or a standing order, thank you!

Cash can also be given via a donation box at the back of the church building, which is emptied every Sunday. 

Account: St Margaret's Parish Church, Frizinghall

Sort Code: 40 52 40

Account Number: 00034772

If you are a UK taxpayer we'd really like to be able to claim gift aid (25%) on your gift, please speak to Pippa Jones (finance officer) on a Sunday or email to request a form.